Avast con la versione 2015 ha voluto impegnare molte risorse per migliorare e razionalizzare gli aspetti della user experience.
Le modifiche includono un’interfaccia utente semplificata, nonché la gestione delle chiavi di licenza semplificato per l’installazione del prodotto. Qualcosa di completamente nuovo sono gli Avast Rewards, pensati per aumentare la fidelizzazione e l’impegno mediante la concessione di punti Karma e distintivi.
Avast Free Antivirus presenta quattro nuove caratteristiche:
- Home Network Security, che viene fornito con tutte le soluzioni di sicurezza Avast per PC, una funzione dedicata alla sicurezza on-line, Wi-Fi e connessioni router.
- Secure DNS che protegge ulteriormente gli utenti, proteggendo dal dirottamento su siti non attendibili.
- WebShield ora analizza i siti HTTPS per il malware e minacce note.
- Smart Scan consente agli utenti di eseguire le scansioni con un solo click per individuare minacce, aggiornamenti, problemi sulla rete domestica e le prestazioni del PC.
Avast 2015 vede anche l’integrazione di un’altra nuova funzione la “Zona di prova” virtuale perdove analizzare i download sospetti. Inoltre una più facile attivazione di PUPs (rilevamento programmi potenzialmente pericolosi) si assicura che gli utenti non abbiano rallentamenti sul loro PC dovuti a software indesiderati.
Infine, oltre alle modifiche e agli strumenti già presenti, come Avast Security Online e SafeZone, la nuova versione di MyAvast è caratterizzato da un design semplificato che utilizza i widget per presentare agli utenti una chiara visione del proprio account.
Solo Avast offre la Protezione rete domestica
Per la prima volta, puoi proteggere i dispositivi della tua rete domestica, come router e dispositivi wireless, dagli attacchi degli hacker.
Altre fantastiche funzioni
Browser Cleanup
Rimuovi fastidiose barre degli strumenti o estensioni per browser e ripristina il tuo motore di ricerca preferito.
Software Updater
Aggiorna facilmente i tuoi software più importanti per incrementare la protezione complessiva e lo stato del tuo PC.
Assistenza remota
Assistenza Remota consente di ricevere aiuto o di aiutare gli altri utenti via Internet.L’elenco delle principali correzioni della versione 10.0.2206
We´re introducing several important pieces in this release:• HTTPS scanning
Ability to detect and decrypt TLS/SSL protected traffic in the Web-content filtering component. This feature will protect you against viruses coming through HTTPs traffic as well as adding compatibility for SPDY+HTTPS/ HTTP 2.0 traffic. You can tune/disable this feature in the settings section.
A hardware based virtualization solution capable of running each Windows process in standalone safe virtualized environment (VM) and fully integrated to your desktop. Each process is executed in its own instance of VM, which means totally isolated from your other applications. This feature is now powering the Avast DeepScreen, resulting in better detection. Avast NG requires HW virtualization enabled.
• SecureDNS (this feature is active in the paid versions only)
A new provider which guards against unprotected DNS/DNS hijack on a router/client (including unsecured networks, public ones, etc.).
• Home Network Security
Scan your home network for vulnerabilities (wifi status, connected devices, router settings, factory passwords, etc.). It helps to discover potential problems not isolated on the particular device only, but in the entire network of devices you use or connect to the Internet from.
• Smart Scan
Integrated all on demand scans into one (Antivirus, Software updates, Home Network, GrimeFighter). One scan, different results and recommendations.
• New Support System
Easy contact for paid users to submit a ticket with all info included automatically. Improved knowledge base for free users. Help is completely online and is more up to date.
• General bugfixing
This covers a lot of stability & performance changes in all components (but the main focus was traditionally on the network & engine components).
Ability to detect and decrypt TLS/SSL protected traffic in the Web-content filtering component. This feature will protect you against viruses coming through HTTPs traffic as well as adding compatibility for SPDY+HTTPS/ HTTP 2.0 traffic. You can tune/disable this feature in the settings section.
A hardware based virtualization solution capable of running each Windows process in standalone safe virtualized environment (VM) and fully integrated to your desktop. Each process is executed in its own instance of VM, which means totally isolated from your other applications. This feature is now powering the Avast DeepScreen, resulting in better detection. Avast NG requires HW virtualization enabled.
• SecureDNS (this feature is active in the paid versions only)
A new provider which guards against unprotected DNS/DNS hijack on a router/client (including unsecured networks, public ones, etc.).
• Home Network Security
Scan your home network for vulnerabilities (wifi status, connected devices, router settings, factory passwords, etc.). It helps to discover potential problems not isolated on the particular device only, but in the entire network of devices you use or connect to the Internet from.
• Smart Scan
Integrated all on demand scans into one (Antivirus, Software updates, Home Network, GrimeFighter). One scan, different results and recommendations.
• New Support System
Easy contact for paid users to submit a ticket with all info included automatically. Improved knowledge base for free users. Help is completely online and is more up to date.
• General bugfixing
This covers a lot of stability & performance changes in all components (but the main focus was traditionally on the network & engine components).
Sistemi operativi: Windows, Mac OS
Licenza Gratuita
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