domenica 4 novembre 2012

Nuova versione completamente aggiornata di Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

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Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware protegge il sistema da minacce quali, virus, worm, spyware, dialer e altro ancora.Con questa versione free non abbiamo il controllo in tempo reale, è possibile averlo solo sulla versione a pagamento.
Il programma include file ASSASSIN, un'utility in grado di forzare l'eliminazione dei file bloccati dal sistema.


New Features:

New Features:

    1. Implemented comprehensive API's for controlling settings and configuration for Business customers 2. Added ability to import/export settings for Business Customers 3. "Exit" option now removed from the tray when 'limitedusermode' is enabled for Business customers 4. Future versions will be able to upgrade without requiring a reboot after installation 5. Protection module now controllable for the entire machine instead of being limited to individual user accounts 6. Filesystem Blocking and Website Blocking can be enabled or disabled separately via the Protection tab 7. Protection logs now show when malicious file execution blocking is enabled or disabled 8. Realtime protection may now be cleanly terminated via the 'Exit' option in the tray without leaving any running processes 9. Japanese language support added
    1. Malwarebytes Chameleon enhanced to be even more effective against the latest threats 2. Realtime protection now starts much faster on Windows Vista and Windows 7 3. Eliminated performance issues caused by database updates and Ignore List manipulation on Windows Vista and Windows 7 4. Pop-ups for threats detected by realtime protection cannot be minimized 5. All registry settings are now stored under HKLM
Issues Fixed:
    1. Saving logs to custom locations after scans now works correctly 2. Context menu setting is now honored correctly after performing a program upgrade 3. Users who have previously completed the trial will not be prompted to start the trial upon upgrade or re-installation 4. Dates and times of items listed in the Quarantine are now displayed correctly 5. Upgrading from a previous version on Windows Vista or Windows 7 may result in the protection module starting with a delay. 6. The protection module does not start with Windows under under certain conditions. 7. Scans sometimes complete prematurely.

Sistemi operativi: Win2000/XP/Vista/7 ( sia32/64 bit)
Programma free. 

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